We had a great time playing in the World Wide Catan Championship Pre-Qualifier at Uncles Games in Spokane Washington. More than 20 players showed up to face off in a battle for the island of Catan with epic consequences.
The winner of this Settler of Catan tournament goes on to face three other finalists from Washington State. The winner of that game gets a ticket to Gen Con Indianapolis to play in the North American WWCC. The winner of the North American Catan Championship gets a ticket to Germany for the 2014 World Wide Catan Championship Finals.
The way it works in the WWCC is each player plays four games. Each of the four games you have a different starting position. The winner is declared by total points. If there is a tie in the total points, the winner is then decided by a percentage of how lopsided their games were. The more you decimate your opponents, the higher your percentage.
It’s great fun to play in the official WWCC Settlers of Catan tournament. Lots of goodies supplied by Mayfair Games were handed out after the competition to all who played.
To see if there is a tournament for the WWCC in your area check out the Mayfair Games event page.
Have you played in a Settlers of Catan tournament before? Tell me about your experience.